Hi! My name is Heidi Cales and I am the creator of Sharing Hope Essentials. Thank you for visiting my page, I'm so glad you are here!
So much good has happened in my life over the past 5 years as well as some of the most challenging moments I've ever experienced but I have learned and grown so much. Sometimes we don’t know what we are truly made of until we go through a hard refining process but I can honestly say not a day goes by that I am not truly grateful for every lesson I’ve learned. Gratitude, patience, perseverance and empathy are some the life lessons that chronic pain/illness has taught me on a level I would have not experienced otherwise. I also would have never in a million years expected to be in this space sharing myself and my story this way but I'm so thankful I have this opportunity.
Five years ago my life and health took a turn I wasn't expecting. I was diagnosed with a severe chronic digestive disorder (Ulcerative Colitis) and my quality of life spiraled down quickly. Chronic Illness became my everyday battle and the confusion and hopelessness of it slowly tried to become my identity. I realized almost immediately after being diagnosed I had “fight” in me I never knew existed. No diagnoses or label was going to steal the rest of my life away from me. I was not going let the pain in my body control the ability to be an active and engaged mom to my two babies or steal the intimacy and enjoyment out of my marriage. Leaning into my faith in God and trusting He would bring what I needed to heal was an active choice I had to make every morning. My focus was to heal. Through lots of trail and error I learned what worked for me and what didn't. I was so incredibly determined to get healthy again and not just mask my symptoms through pharmasuticals . I have had many highs and many lows on this path of wellness but it has helped me become the woman, wife, mother and friend I was designed to be.
It has been 5 years now since my initial diagnosis and I have learned so much about health, supporting your body naturally through food and essential oils, and personal development in nearly every area of my life. I am no where near perfect on my health journey but I'm thankful to say my body is thriving and medication free now. This is the reason I'm here... this is why I care. I love seeing others break through the lie that nothing can be done.
I know what it's like to feel hopeless at times in illness. I know how it feels to have so many areas in life stripped away and left with the why and how of how you will be able to truly live a full and purposeful life again. My one desire for you reading this is to know there is hope... even if you feel like every last bit of it is gone. I knew nothing about natural medicine or using food as medicine 5 years ago, but it was this twist in life that opened my eyes up to the incredible power and support in the beautiful creation surrounding us. As I began to change what I put in and on my body and incorporate oils in to my daily routine a significant shift began to happen. Healing at a deeper level began to take place. I'm definitely still on this path today, and thank goodness for everything I have learned not only for myself but for my family and children. Having a natural, effective solution when things come up (because they always do) is such a gift! I'm so glad I get to share that gift with you now!