Usage Guidelines

The three main ways to use essential oils



+  Add oils to a diffuser

+  Add 1-2 drops in your hand, rub together, and inhale

+  Add to a steamy shower

+  Personal inhaler & diffuser jewelry 


+  Able to penetrate the skin and pass into the bloodstream and into different areas of the body for internal therapeutic benefits

+  Great for things like skincare, anxiety, respiratory issues, energy, muscle pain, etc. 

+  We give you guidelines for age appropriate dilution rates, where to apply,  and we have charts and recipes so you can get started using your oils right away! 

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+  Doterra's purity makes it possible to take some oils internally for many health benefits!

+  Lemon is your water for cleansing, grapefruit for your metabolism, frankincense for headaches, or Digestion for stomach issues

+  They are potent so a little bit goes a long way!

+  We go over guidelines so you can feel comfortable using oils in this way!