

+ blend of all the top respiratory oils

+ great for coughs, colds, congestion, and asthma

+ helpful for clearing airways & snoring

+ used aromatically, Breathe helps to boost other oil properties


  • The ‘On Ramp’ to Sleep. For a more restful sleep during seasonal respiratory discomfort, diffuse Breathe blend at bedtime or keep in a roll-on bottle by the bedside, in the car or your purse. Roll it on the chest, bottom of feet or upper lip as needed!

• Feel Clear and Free. Put a drop of the Breathe blend and a drop of Wintergreen essential oil in a sink of hot water. Then, place a damp towel over your head and inhale deeply. It’s surprising how much this helps!

• Working Out in a Building? Forced heating and cooling, sweaty bodies, dust and your lungs…bad combo. Apply Breathe blend before exercising to invigorate and enhance breathing during your workout.

• It’s Like a Rain Maker. Hiking in nature right after an air cleansing rain is an absolute dream. The next time you can’t control the rain, try applying Breathe blend. It’s the next best thing!

• Leavin’ on a Jet Plane, Bus or Train? Confined spaces can sometimes have stagnant air, which can be claustrophobic. While in these spaces, free yourself mentally and emotionally by applying Breathe blend. 

• Stuck in a Desk, Small Office or Cube? It’s easy and convenient to just place a drop of Breathe in your palm, rub the palms together and take a deep breath from your cupped hands. Supporting healthy airways will improve your concentration. It may help everyone around you relax too!

• A College Dorm Room Fix. College dorm rooms aren’t known for their vast size or light airy appeal. When you combine a ‘first-time on their own’ roommate with unknown cooking preferences, sweaty workout clothes, or interesting hygiene habits, Breathe is the great equalizer and your best friend.

• It’s a Zoo in Here! Staying at someone else’s home, with someone else’s pets (with their aroma, dander or musty smell) doesn’t need to be a problem. Try rubbing Breathe on your chest and under your nose before entering a pet filled house. Great for musty campers and RVs as well.

• Boost Brain Power. Breathe contains Eucalyptus essential oil which is known to help stimulate mental activity and wake up your mind. The powerfully beneficial oils of Peppermint, Lemon, and Melaleuca are all included in the Respiratory blend and are perfect if you are feeling under the weather.

• One Of Mom’s Bag Of Tricks. Place a couple drops on the pillow of any child who needs the Breathe but refuses to apply the oil. The oil helps to distract them from whatever reason she can’t sleep, and helps maintain breathing. Oh, and the added benefit is that mom and dad get to rest as well!

• Another Tool In Your Habit Breaking Arsenal. Overcoming nagging habits is tricky to say the least. Occasionally lingering side effects affect breathing. Breathe will help you kick bad habits by promoting easier breathing while maintaining lung and throat health.

• A Dynamic Duo. Put a drop of Breathe on the filter of the CPAP machine for even more support during the night. Even without a CPAP machine it’s good to keep a roller bottle of Breathe nearby to swipe on the chest and under the nose of whoever is keeping you awake by snoring gone ballistic.

• Help For Your Airways When You Have Cold Feet in the Winter. A popular way to warm your tootsies in the winter is to warm a cloth bag (filled with rice or feed corn kernels) in the microwave and place it at the foot of your bed at night. Add a few drops of Breathe in the bag to make it an aromatically soothing experience as well, promoting open airways.

• No Gadgetry Required. Diffusing is great, but when you don’t have a diffuser handy, simply add a drop of both Breathe and Frankincense into the palm off your hand. Then, make a fist with a small opening over the oils and breathe in through your fist. This simple technique does wonders!

• An Invigorated Senior Citizen’s Home. Let’s face it, as we citizens become senior, our energy and passion to make things fresh and invigorating may wane. A senior care center or rest home does not have to smell like one. By simply diffusing Breathe, you can change the whole feeling of the place—and make it a more pleasant experience for residents as well as visitors.

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