+ blend of all the top oils for stomach issues
+ great for gas, bloating, constipation, nausea, & stomachaches
+ can clear the mucus build up from being congested (apply diluted on the bridge of nose)
• Tame a Tummy. Rub on your child’s tummy when they have an occasional tummy ache. Apply before bedtime and it will help them sleep soundly too! Dilute 1 drop of the Digestive blend with fractionated coconut oil and massage onto baby’s tummy when upset.
• Got Milk [and pain?] Fill a Veggie Capsule with 3-4 drops Digestive blend.
• A Sailor’s Little Buddy. For a happy cruise ship experience, be sure to bring along the Digestive blend. Those all-you-can eat buffets are hard to turn down and the Digestive blend will help bring some balance to your tummy!
• Over the River and Through the Woods. Long road trips are good for family bonding. Don’t let those winding roads ruin the experience! Try diffusing the Digestive blend in the car from time to time to keep everyone’s stomachs calm. A great thing to have on a sailing or fishing boat too!
• A Holiday Helper. After a big holiday feast, massage the Digestive blend on your stomach after big meals to help digest all holiday fare with ease.
• Turbulence is on the Horizon. Flying to new destinations is fun but turbulence is often a problem for the stomach. When traveling by plane, make sure the Digestive blend goes with you.
• Kick Tension & Pressure. The Digestive blend certainly helps calm an upset stomach but can also be applied to the temples to help relieve tension and sinus pressure.
• A Buy Person’s Pal. When we get too busy, often our diet suffers. We opt for late night eating, faster than fast food, skipped meals, over indulgences and more. If your hectic schedule turns into hectic digestion, try the Digestive blend.
• Greasy Foods, Angry Belly. Cafeteria foods are usually packed with grease that can cause discomfort. Be preventative by taking a Veggie Capsule full of several drops of the Digestive blend before you set foot in a cafeteria.
• Kids Won’t Take a Capsule of the Digestive blend? To get things moving, put a drop of the Digestive blend in your child’s bath water and support healthy digestion.
• A Regularity Ranger. The next time you feel stomach churn or feelings of indigestion, help yourself stay comfortable and regular by adding a drop to your water or rice or soy milk daily.
• A Great Neutralizer. Use 1-2 drops in 4-6 ounces of water as a mouth rinse with water at night if you’ve eaten a meal with strong smells, like garlic, onion, curries and more. If you like the taste of black licorice, you will love the taste of the Digestive blend because it contains Fennel essential oil.
• Carefree at the carnival. First a funnel cake and then the teacup ride. Make sure you bring the Digestive blend along so you can have fun with the rest of the family!
• Take-out? Take the Digestive blend. This digestive blend will soothe even the strongest kick that your favorite local take-out can deliver.
• Unfamiliar Restaurant Relief. When you travel or venture out to an unfamiliar restaurant, it’s easy to have digestive distress. Prevent discomfort by taking the Digestive blend in a Veggie Capsule to prevent or lessen the effects of certain foods.