+ great for supporting sleep

+ helps support stress and anxiety

+ the best for burns and great for skincare (eczema, anti-aging, etc)

+ helps support fevers

+ love in an epsom salt bath for sore muscles

+ helps with allergies in combination with lemon and peppermint


• Take A Lavender Bath. Drop about 4 drops of lavender essential oil into 1 cup Epsom salts and add to your bath water.

• Head To Toe Rest! After a hard work out or a long day on your feet, rub Lavender along with Lemongrass on your legs and feet.

• Take The Acrid Out Of Vinegar. Add 4-5 drops of Lavender to your vinegar cleaning mixture for a more bearable scent.

• Quick Fix. Mix three parts Fractionated Coconut Oil with one part Lavender essential oil in a small spray bottle or roll on to help clear up skin irritation associated with chafing. Great for little ones!

• Bring on the ZZZ’s. Rub on the bottoms of the feet for a more restful sleep.

• Enjoy A Fresh And Clean Mattress. Sprinkle a mixture of 1 cup baking soda and 10 drops of lavender essential oil over your mattress. Allow the mixture to sit for at least one hour then use the vacuum hose to clean it up. You can combine with drops of Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Clove, or Rosemary as well.

• Ouch! That’s Hot! The next time someone doesn’t realize the iron or pan is still hot; apply Lavender oil to the affected area to soothe skin irritation, reduce redness and ease swelling.

• The Oatmeal Secret. Fill a baby food jar with oatmeal, and add 5-8 drops of Lavender oil. When it’s time to wash your face, add water and it becomes an excellent natural scrub! A little goes a long way.

• A Sleepy Time Trick. A few drops of Lavender placed on a pillow will help a restless toddler (or adult) fall asleep and stay asleep.

• Flavor Twist. Lavender adds a unique and delicious flavor to marinades, custards, breads, cookies, icings, and even honey and syrup.

• Homemade Aftershave. Use after shaving to soothe and soften skin and to lessen the redness and burning caused by razor burn.

• Take The “Ouch” Out. One drop of Lavender will help relieve the sensitivity of gums, dry or chapped lips, occasional scrapes and abrasions, or after too much sun.

• Clear The Mind. Apply Lavender to the temples and back of neck to ease anxious feelings and stress and promote mental clarity.

• Care For Your Baby Belly. Rub Lavender essential oil onto an itchy tummy while pregnant.

• Therapeutic Dish & Laundry Soap. If your liquid soap smells a bit flat, you can add Lavender for additional aromatherapy benefits. It transforms your cleaning experience!
